Homemade baby food!


I am obsessed! Not only is making Braydens baby food purees so simple, nutritious and cost effective but I love knowing I’m fueling his body with nothing but the purest foods I can!!!

For some veggies i buy organic frozen bags ( not mixed veggies either) but most of them I can buy fresh and make large batches!

So once you’ve steamed, boiled or baked what foods your wanting to make ( I do 2-4 weeks worth and make the couple hours worth it!) I put each food (or once they’re older experiment by mixing two) Into the blender or baby bullet until smooth. Poor into rubber ice cube trays ( I found these worked easiest for removing once frozen!) and the ones provided from the baby bullet ( I needed more than this). Put in the freezer for a couple hours and then quickly pop out into storage freezer bags or containers and label them!

Each night I take out the cubes I will be using the following day for Braydens meals and let them thaw over night!

Your baby’s belly and body will thank you & so will your bank account!! I couldn’t believe how simple and cost effective this was!
( this was Braydens first time with peas!! His looks are deceiving – he loves them! )

Let me know what you end making for your little ones in the comments or am effective way you’ve made baby food!

Enjoy! 💙



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